權力的遊戲Game of Thrones第三季 劇情提示,劇照,定裝照,預告

權力的遊戲Game of Thrones第三季 劇情提示,劇照,定裝照,預告

新季首播:2013 03 31

Game of Thrones - Season 3 (10)   


權力的遊戲Game of Thrones電視劇的創作人George R. R. Martin


其實馬大叔在該劇的試映集裡就曾跑過龍套 但後來被剪掉了

馬大叔自己透露 在本季結束前可能會有好幾個人坐上鐵王座

Game of Thrones - Season 3 (14)  

 Game of Thrones - Season 3 (15)  

飾演瓊恩雪諾的Kit Harington在去年幹了一件蠢事 他忘了帶鑰匙學起蜘蛛人

爬窗入門結果受了傷 而他在第三季有多場動作戲

劇組只好想辦法延後他的拍攝 讓他的傷勢有時間恢復 等第三季演出的時候你可以仔細瞧瞧

他走路的姿勢…..瓊恩雪諾在本季是一個間諜角色 內心矛盾的掙扎著

自己到底該對誰效忠  因為野人之王:曼斯雷德 會改變雪諾對野人的看法

令他開始質疑自己從小到大聽說過關於野人的一切 其實都是不真實的

Game of Thrones - Season 3  (3)  


他們仍在返回君臨城的路上  詹姆當然不會乖乖的

他的一張賤嘴依然滔滔不絕  並使出渾身解數來激怒布蕾妮

 Game of Thrones - Season 3  (6)  

第三季將遵照原著的情節描述丹妮莉斯在奴隸灣Slaver’s Bay)遇刺



而小指頭向姍莎指點逃離是非之地的一條途徑  瑟曦為王氏家族成員舉辦盛宴

Game of Thrones - Season 3  (1) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (2) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (4) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (5) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (7) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (8) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (9) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (10) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (11) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (12) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (13) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (14) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (15) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (16) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (17) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (18) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (19) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (20) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (21) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (22) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (23) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (24) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (25) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (26) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (27) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (28) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (29) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (30) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (31) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (32) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (33) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (34) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (35) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (36) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (37) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (38) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (39) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (40) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (41) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (42) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (43) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (44) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (45) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (46) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (47) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (48) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (49) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (50) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (51) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (52) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (53) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (54) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (55) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (56) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (57) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (58) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (59) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (60) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (61) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (62) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (63) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (64) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (65) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (66) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (67) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (68) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (69) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (70) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (71) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (72) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (73) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (74) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (75) Game of Thrones - Season 3  (76) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (1) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (8) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (9) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (11) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (12) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (13) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (16) Game of Thrones - Season 3 (17)

Game of Thrones - Season 3 (18)  

Game of Thrones S03 All of Us :

Game of Thrones S03 Dark Wings, Dark Words:

Game of Thrones S03 Enemies:

Game of Thrones S03 Valar Dohaeris:

Game of Thrones S03:

Game of Thrones – An Evening with Game of Thrones Webcast 角色訪談:



