傲骨賢妻The Good Wife第四季劇情提示 第1集劇照預告 2.3集劇照

傲骨賢妻The Good Wife第四季劇情提示 1集劇照預告 2.3集劇照

The Good Wife S04E01 I Fought the Law

新季首播:2012 09 30

 The Good Wife 4x1 (15)  

一個州際警察來找Zach的麻煩 Alicia決定先發制人


不告而別的下場讓前夫Nick(Marc Warren)找上門來

兩人爆發一場激烈的爭執 但卻以激烈的床戲收場

The Good Wife 4x1 (4)  

有多激烈? 已經到達了電視台能播的底線 (還被電視聯邦通訊委員會發函警告)

Nick還將與多個角色 有更多互動

Nick是一個充滿魅力卻不懷好心眼 很有心機的男人 Kalinda長期受到他的控制 讓她內心留下很大的陰影

 The Good Wife 4x1 (2)


Peter在州長競選的狀況很出色 Lockhart & Gardner律師事務團隊也給予


Cary父親的突然出現給他帶來壓力 他的父親對Cary採取嚴格的教育

並在他十八歲的時候趕他出家門 希望他能獨立自主



Kristin Chenoweth飾演一個顧人怨的新聞記者 正在針對Florrick的競選和婚姻進行深入調查


Dominic Chianese飾演一名資深法官 熟知電腦程式

Nathan Lane飾演銀行派來監視事務所財務狀況 並協助他們削減預算的經理人

Maura Tierney飾演一名白手起家在政商界能夠呼風喚雨的富婆 屬於民主黨陣營



Amanda Peet飾演一名新律師 將和Alicia成為好朋友

Stockard Channing飾演Alicia的母親 暫時只有一集戲份

Bruce McGill飾演一名經常在法官面前大吵大鬧的資深律師

他為什麼能如此囂張 因為他曾經擔任過四屆的總統顧問

The Good Wife 4x1 (5) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (6) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (7) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (8) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (9) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (10) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (11) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (12) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (13) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (14) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (16) 

The Good Wife 4x1 (17)  

The Good Wife S04E02  And the Law Won :

The Good Wife 4x2 (1)

The Good Wife 4x2 (2)

The Good Wife 4x2 (3)

The Good Wife 4x2 (4)

The Good Wife 4x2 (5)

The Good Wife 4x2 (6)

The Good Wife 4x2 (7)

The Good Wife 4x2 (8)

The Good Wife 4x2 (9)  

The Good Wife S04E03 Two Girls One Code:

The Good Wife 4x3 (2)

The Good Wife 4x3 (3)

The Good Wife 4x3 (4)

The Good Wife 4x3 (5)

The Good Wife 4x3 (6)

The Good Wife 4x3 (7)

The Good Wife 4x3 (8)

The Good Wife 4x3 (9)  

The Good Wife 第四季預告:

The Good Wife S04E01 I Fought The Law預告:

