我和父母過一生How To Live With Your Parents (2013 春季新劇)

我和父母過一生How To Live With Your Parents (2013 春季新劇)


新劇首播:2013 04 03

How To Live With Your Parents  (9)  

How To Live With Your Parents  (8)  

Polly(Sarah Chalke)是一個單身母親和前夫離婚已經一年了

這段過渡期 對她來說並不容易尤其是經濟上的問題


 How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (10)  

Polly帶著女兒Natalie(Rachel Eggleston)回到故鄉

再次和父親Max(Brad Garrett)母親Elaine(Elizabeth Perkins)同住一個屋簷下


Polly是個非常容易動怒且神經過敏的女人  老人家和她看問題的角度總是相反

以至於Polly將住在家裡的生活 看在是一種無止境的折磨

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (9)  

Polly在感情問題上極為保守 而她的父母雖然年紀一大把了卻老是在她面前

曬恩愛 Polly希望對女兒嚴格管教但她的父母卻更喜歡自由的方式

 How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (2)  

幸好Polly還有Gregg(Orlando Jones)這個好友兼老闆 可以談談心

而不負責任的前夫Julian(Jon Dore)一直無法放下Polly



Polly或許被在家裡 但生活總是要過下去 現在該是起身嘗試過新生活的日子了

How To Live With Your Parents  (1)

How To Live With Your Parents  (2)

How To Live With Your Parents  (3)

How To Live With Your Parents  (4)

How To Live With Your Parents  (5)

How To Live With Your Parents  (6)

How To Live With Your Parents  (7)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (1)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (3)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (4)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (5)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (6)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (7)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (8)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (11)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (12)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (13)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (14)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (15)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (16)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (17)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (18)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (19)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (20)

How To Live With Your Parents 1x2-3 (21) 


