疑犯追蹤Person of Interest 第二季第20集 劇照預告

疑犯追蹤Person of Interest 第二季第20集 劇照預告

Person of Interest S02E20 In Extremis

播出日期:2013 04 25

Person of Interest 2x20 (1)  

一個小有名氣的的胸腔外科醫生遭人下毒 ReeseFinch只有24小時的時間

查出下毒者以獲得解藥 否則醫生將一命嗚呼

Fusco內部得到一個驚人的消息 他可能被送進大牢

Person of Interest 2x20 (2)

Person of Interest 2x20 (3)

Person of Interest 2x20 (4)

Person of Interest 2x20 (5)

Person of Interest 2x20 (6)

Person of Interest 2x20 (7)

Person of Interest 2x20 (8)

Person of Interest 2x20 (9)

Person of Interest 2x20 (10)

Person of Interest 2x20 (11)

Person of Interest 2x20 (12)  


