權力的遊戲Game of Thrones第三季第5集劇照 幕後花絮&解說 第6集預告

權力的遊戲Game of Thrones第三季第5集劇照 幕後花絮&解說 6集預告


From the Set - House Karstark

From the Set - IOU

From the Set - Selyse's Fetuses

From the Set - Shireen's Boat  


獵狗受到神的審判 瓊恩與耶哥蕊特的關係有了大進展

小惡魔提力昂的財政大臣打了一場勝戰 但他的父親並不因此而高興

婚姻不是兒戲泰溫老爸說了算! 新任首相作了不只一個讓人掉下巴的決定

羅柏史塔克在軍事上取得了成功 但他的手下時常質疑他的決定

Game of Thrones 3x5 (1)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (2)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (3)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (4)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (5)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (6)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (7)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (8)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (9)

Game of Thrones 3x5 (10)  


Outlaw vs Outcast:

A Different Kind of Man:

Counting the Pennies:

So Close:

What Would Ned Do?

Brotherhood Without Banners:

A Real Sense of Purpose:

Naked and Exposed:

Jorah’s Secret:

Game of Thrones S03E06 The Climb 預告:
播出日期:2013 05 05

