黑名單:救贖The Blacklist: Redemption 第一季第3集 劇照/預告

黑名單:救贖The Blacklist: Redemption 第一季第3 劇照/預告

The Blacklist: Redemption S01E03 Independence, U.S.A.

播出日期:2017 03 09()

The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (29).JPG  

一台飛機墜毀在烏拉爾山脈後, TomNez臥底滲入一個俄羅斯森嚴且神祕的軍事基地


The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (1).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (2).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (3).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (4).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (5).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (6).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (7).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (8).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (9).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (10).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (11).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (12).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (13).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (14).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (15).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (16).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (17).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (18).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (19).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (20).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (21).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (22).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (23).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (24).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (25).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (26).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (27).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (28).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (30).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (31).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (32).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (33).JPG The Blacklist Redemption 1x3 (34).JPG  


