2011 維多利亞的秘密內衣秀 The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

2011 維多利亞的秘密內衣秀 The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

播出日期:2011 11 29

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (3).png

都快過聖誕節了 天氣還這麼熱 避免你火氣上升 來點消暑聖品 給眼睛吃點冰淇淋

這個節目不太需要介紹 大家應該都看過了 跟往常一樣 “不辣不收錢”

多位歌星串場 自己看劇照吧!

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (1).jpg

 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (1).png

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (2).jpg 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (2).png

 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (3).jpg

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (3).png 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (4).jpg 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (4).png 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (5).jpg 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (5).png 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (6).jpg 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (6).png 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (7).jpg 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (7).png 

2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (8).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (8).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (9).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (9).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (10).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (10).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (11).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (11).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (12).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (12).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (13).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (13).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (14).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (14).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (15).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (15).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (16).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (16).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (17).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (17).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (18).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (18).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (19).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (19).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (20).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (20).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (21).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (22).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (23).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (24).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (25).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (26).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (27).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (28).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (29).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (30).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (31).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (32).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (33).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (34).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (35).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (36).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (1).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (1).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (2).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (2).png 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (3).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (4).jpg 2011 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (5).jpg  





  1. 某個model的屁屁竟然被噴霧了,真是有夠礙眼的,可惡的CBS……
    版主回覆:(12/01/2011 12:50:08 AM)
    這是闔家觀賞的電視台! 看下載的也許沒噴…

  2. >>看下載的也許沒噴…
    版主回覆:(12/01/2011 11:59:50 AM)
    我在照片上有看到一張露屁股的 沒打馬賽克!
